Hebei Qianyuan Chemicals Co.,Ltd
Products detail
Product Name: Stearic Acid
Product Type: Inorganic Chemicals -> Inorganic acids
Product spec: Stearic Acid
Packing: 25kgs P.P. bag
Post Time: 2011-04-21
Usage: Widely used in curing agent, plastic heat stabilizer, wetting agent, textile softener, chemical fiber oil, anti-static agent, edible emulsifier; also used in cosmetics, detergent and the intermediates of various surfactants, etc.
Description: Stearic Acid Stearic Acid - SP Single Pressed Specification: Colour White – Faintly Yellow Appearance Small Flakes Formula C17 H 35 COOH Iodine Value 6.0 – 9.0 Molecular Weight 284.47 Melting Point 56º - 57ºC Specific Gravity 0.86 Colour Red 51/4” Lovi Bond 0.5-1.0 Acid Value 206-209 Sponification Value 207 – 210 Packing 25 Kg/Bag Applications: Stearic Acid – SP is used in the following industries: i. Candles Industry ii. Tyre & Rubber Industry iii. Lubricating Greases Industry Stearic Acid - DP Double Pressed Specification: Colour White Appearance Small Flakes Formula C17 H 35 COOH Iodine Value 3.0 – 6.0 Molecular Weight 284.47 Melting Point 56º - 57ºC Specific Gravity 0.86 Colour Red 51/4” Lovi Bond 0.5-1.0 Acid Value 206-209 Sponification Value 207 – 210 Packing 25 Kg/Bag Applications: i. Tyre & Rubber Industry ii. PVC Industry iii. Candle Industry iv. Water Proofing Industry v. Pharmaceutical Industry vi. Commercial & Military Explosive Industry vii. Lubricating Greases Industry Stearic Acid - TPS Tripple Pressed Specification:Colour White Appearance: Small Flakes Formula: C17 H 35 COOH Iodine Value: Less than one Molecular Weight: 284.47 Melting Point 65º - 70ºC Specific Gravity 0.86 Colour Red 51/4” Lovi Bond 0.5-1.0 Acid Value 206-209 Sponification Value 207 – 210 Packing 25 Kg/Bag Applications: i. Pharmaceutical Industry ii. Cosmetic Industry iii. Textile Industry (Fabric softener) iv. Manufacturing of Stearates
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