Hebei Qianyuan Chemicals Co.,Ltd
Products detail
Product Name: Pentaerythritol 98%
Product Type: Inorganic Chemicals -> Others
Product spec: Pentaerythritol 98%
Packing: Pentaerythritol 95%/98%
Post Time: 2011-04-21
Usage: Pentaerythritol is used in the manufacture of Alkyd resins, fatty acid rosin and tall oil esters and to make paint and coatings, printing ink, coating adhesives, explosives, sealants, varnish, lacquer, vinyl chloride, synthetic rubber and miscellaneous including pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN), urethane coatings, flame retardant paints, polyvinyl chloride stabilizers, olefins antioxidant and pentaerythritol triacrylate
Description: PENTA Re: Pentaerythritol 98% Appearance: White crystal power or particles Specification: Content: 98%min Hydroxyl value: 48.5% min Heat Loss: 0.2% max Ash: 0.05% max Phthalic Color: 1 Packing: 25kg/bag, 20MT/20’FCL Re: Pentaerythritol 95% Appearance: White crystal powder or particles Specification: Mono-PE: 95.0%min Hydroxyl value: 47.5%min Moisture: 0.5%max Ash: 0.1%max Chromaticity: 2 Packing: 25kg/bag, 20MT/20’FCL
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