Hebei Qianyuan Chemicals Co.,Ltd
Products detail
Product Name: Sodium Hexametaphosphate
Product Type: Coatings and Paints -> Paints
Product spec: Sodium Hexametaphosphate
Packing: 25kg/bag, 22MT/20FCL
Post Time: 2011-04-21
Usage: For industrial use, such as oil field, paper-making, textile, dyeing, petrochemical industry, tanning industry, metallurgical industry and building material industry, it is mainly used as a water softening agent in solution for printing, dyeing, and boiler; Diffusant in papermaking; slow corrodent, floating agent, dispersing medium, high temperature agglomerant, detergent and soil analytical chemistry reagent. For food grade, it is mainly used as additive agent, PH adjusting agent and fermentation agent, and nourishment.
Description: SHMP Re: Sodium Hexametaphosphate tech grade Appearance: White power Specification: Total phosphate as P2O5: 68% min Inactive phosphate as P2O5 : 7.5% max Iron: 0.05% max PH value(1% solution) : 5.8-7.3 Water insoluble: 0.05% max Packing: 25kg/bag, 22MT/20FCL
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