Hebei Qianyuan Chemicals Co.,Ltd
Products detail
Product Name: Glacial Acetic Acid 99%, 99.5%, 99.8%
Product Type: Inorganic Chemicals -> Inorganic acids
Product spec: Glacial Acetic Acid 99%, 99.5%, 99.8%
Post Time: 2011-04-21
Usage: It''s one of the most important organic material. It is mainly used in manufacturing of vinyl acetate, acetic anhydride, diketen, acetic ester, acetate, ethyl cellulose, and chloro acetic acid. It can also be used in the field of synthetic fiber, binding agent, pharmacy, fertilizer and dyeing raw material, and in the field of plastic, rubber and printing as soluant
Description: GAA Glacial Acetic Acid 99.5% Tech grade Appearance: Colorless transparent liquid Purity: 99.5% min Sp. Gr. (20/4C)g/cm: 31.049-1.056 Freezing Point: 16C Sulfates: 0.0005% max Chloride: 0.0004% max Residue on evaporation: 0.02% max Heavy metals(Pb): 0.0002% max Iron(Fe): 0.0001% max Glacial Acetic Acid 99%Tech grade Appearance: Colorless transparent liquid Purity: 99% min Acetaldehyde: 0.05% max Formic acid: 0.003% max Iron: 0.0002% max Residue on evaporation: 0.02% max Heavy metals(Pb): 0.0002% max
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